Guzheng Musician
Laney College Music Coach
The Greatwall Youth Orchestra Instructor(Guzheng & Percussion)
The Purple Silk Music Education Foundation Instructor(Guzheng & Percussion)
North America Chinese Youth Orchestra Instructor(Guzheng)
Hip-Wah Summer Program Specialized Instructors(Guzheng)
Professional Guzheng Lessons
Scoring & Composition
有关专业古筝教学与演出, 以及作曲与配乐项目,请联系:
Please contact me regarding professional Guzheng lessons and performance, as well as composition and scoring project services.
Victoria Liu, 出生在中国一个富有学术和艺术气息的家庭. 良好的家庭氛围使她在音乐领域有所造诣. 5岁开始学习古筝,启蒙老师郭红莲 (军区政治部文工团古筝独奏演员,国家二级演奏员。中国音乐家协会会员). 后师从著名古筝演奏家王中山 (中国音乐学院教授/博士生导师, 国乐系副主任,中国音乐家协会理事/古筝学会会长, 中国民族管弦乐学会古筝专业委员会执行会长). 10岁获得古筝艺术考级10级证书,后多次参加市级,省级,国家级专业古筝比赛并取得优异成绩.
中国海洋大学(中国"双一流A类" "985工程" "211"工程顶尖重点大学) "古筝表演" 专业学士学位.
旧金山艺术大学(美国规模最大私立艺术高校/全美顶尖艺术院校) "作曲与配乐" 专业硕士研究生学位,师从两届奥斯卡奖获得者-作曲家Gunnard Doboze.
现定居美国加州-旧金山湾区,担任蕾尼大学音乐指导教师, 加州长城青年乐团指导教师, 紫竹音乐教育基金会指导教师, 北美青年中乐团指导教师,协华夏令营签约音乐教师 | 提供专业古筝教学与演出, 以及作曲与配乐项目 | 在Gordon J. Lau Elementary School, Alice Fong Yu Alternative School担任音乐教育工作者,作为中国传统乐器的音乐教育工作者受到高度赞扬 | 拥有超过15年的古筝教学经验, 学生在各省市&国家级比赛中均获得出色成绩,且成功考取专业音乐院校&重点综合性大学音乐专业.
在美期间, 与备受赞誉的指挥家,演奏家,交响乐团均有密切合作. 曾于Caroline H. Hume Concert Hall, Paramount Theatre进行演出.
2023年10月,受邀与美国指挥家Edwin Outwater,古典钢琴演奏家Lara Downes,作曲家/编曲家/萨克斯管演奏家Edmar Colon,旧金山音乐学院交响乐团合作演出并参与作品录制.
2021年10月, 参与“纪念逝去的美国指挥家Michael Morgan”的音乐会.
2005年-2014年期间,多次受邀赴澳大利亚,/韩国,/马来西亚/香港/美国 进行文化艺术交流和音乐表演.除此之外,还擅长葫芦丝,打击乐,单簧管,钢琴等多种乐器.
Teacher Victoria was born into a scholarly and artistic family, The family environment made her successful in the field of music. She learned to play Guzheng when she was five years old. Her first teacher is HongLian Guo(Guzheng soloist of the Art Troupe of the political Department of the military region, national second-class performer. Member of Chinese musicians Association), and then she became the student of ZhongShan Wang(Professor / doctoral supervisor of China Conservatory of Music, Deputy Director of Chinese Music Department, Director of Chinese musicians Association / President of Guzheng Society, Executive Chairman of Guzheng Professional Committee of Chinese Orchestra Society), and got his careful advice. When she was 10 years old, she got the "Guzheng Art Test 10 Level Certificate". And participated in different professional Guzheng competitions and got excellent prizes.
Bachelor's Degree from "Ocean University of China" (Part of Project 211, Project 985, and the Double First-Class Construction) with a major in "Music Performance".
Master's Degree from the "Academy of Art University", (The largest private art university & the top art college in the United States) with a major in "Music Production & Sound Design for Visual Media". Studied under Gunnard Doboze, the two-time Academy Award winner & composer .
Presently, she is living in Bay Area, California, the USA, working as Laney College Music Coach, The Greatwall Youth Orchestra Instructor, The Purple Silk Music Education Foundation Instructor, North America Chinese Youth Orchestra Instructor, and Hip-Wah Summer Program Specialized Instructors. | She also provides professional Guzheng lessons and performance, as well as composition and scoring project services. | She also working as an in-demand music educator for the Gordon J. Lau Elementary School, Alice Fong Yu Alternative School, where she received high praise as music educator for Traditional Chinese Instruments. | She has over 15 years of guzheng teaching experience, students have achieved outstanding results in various city/province/nationwide competitions, and successfully admitted to professional music colleges & the music department of top comprehensive university .
During her stay in the US, she had a close cooperation with the well -known conductor, performer, and symphony orchestra. She performed at Caroline h. HUME Concert Hall, Paramount Theater.
In October 2023, she was invited to cooperate with the American conductor Edwin Outwater, classical pianist Lara Downes, composer/Arranger/saxophonist Edmar Colon, SFCM Symphony Orchestra to perform and participate in the recording of the works.
In October 2021, she participated in the concert of "In memory of the deceased American conductor Michael Morgan".
During the year 2005--2014, she went to Australia, Korea, Malaysia, Hong Kong (China), and America for International Music performances. Besides, she is also good at playing various musical instruments. (such as Hulusi/ Percussion/ Clarinet/ Piano).
She published her own book, which shows her photography and writing talents.
2010 年获中国古筝专业技巧大赛(青年组)金奖
2009 年获 CCTV 全国民族器乐电视大奖赛(职业组)华东赛区第一名
2005 年获全国首届推文艺新人民乐古筝项目组一等奖
2003 年获山东省“青大—海曼”杯青少年声乐、器乐大赛金奖
2002 年获济南市器乐比赛一等奖
2002 年获济南市中小学单项艺术比赛古筝组一等奖
1998 年获全国音乐艺术考级最高级别十级水平资格证书
In 2010, she got the Gold Award in the Guzheng Professional Skill Competition(Adult Group)of China.
In 2009, she got First place in the East China Division of the CCTV National Folk Instrument TV Competition(Professional group).
In 2005, she got the First Prize in The First National Competition--“Push the Literary Cup” of China.
In 2003, she got the Gold Award of the "Dai-Hyman" Cup of Junior Vocal Music and Instrumental Music Competition of Shandong Province.
In 2002, she got the First Prize in the Music Competition of Jinan City.
In 2002, she got the First Prize in the Elementary and Middle schools’ Individual Art Competition of Jinan City.
When she was only 10 years old, she got the Music Highest-Level Qualification Certificate: Ten-Level of China.
Classes | Scoring & Composition 课程 | 配乐&作曲
Guzheng Classes 古筝课:
There are private & group lessons in Guzheng ( 现有单人和群组课程提供)
Scoring & Composition 配乐&作曲:
Soundtrack or Scoring for Visual Media (movies, television, short films, advertisements, games, etc.).
Composing for Visual media (movies, television, short films, advertisements, games, etc.).
The Zheng is a traditional Chinese musical instrument. It belongs to the zither family of string instruments. It spread very widely and already has been two thousand years of history. So we also call them “Guzheng”. The modern-day guzheng is plucked with movable bridges and 21 strings.The guzheng's strings were formerly made of twisted silk, though by the 20th century most players used metal strings.Since the mid-20th century most performers use steel strings flatwound with nylon. The Guzheng should not to be confused with the Guqin--another ancient Chinese zither but without bridges. The guzheng has existed since the Warring States Period and became especially popular during the Qin dynasty.The ancient guzheng had 12 strings.Nowadays The 21-string zheng is the most commonly used, but some traditional musicians still use the 16-string, especially along the southeastern coastal provinces of China and in Taiwan. There are many techniques used in the playing of the guzheng, including basic plucking actions (right or both hands) at the right portion and pressing actions at the left portion (by the left hand )as well as tremolo . These techniques of playing the guzheng can create sounds that can evoke the sense of a cascading waterfall, thunder and even the scenic countryside. Plucking is done mainly by the right hand with four picks, attached to the fingers. Advanced players may use picks attached to the fingers of both hands. Ancient picks were made of ivory and later also from tortoise shell. The guzheng's pentatonic scale is tuned to Do, Re, Mi, So and La, but Fa and Ti can also be produced by pressing the strings to the left of the bridges. Well known pieces for the instrument include Yu Zhou Chang Wan (Singing at night on fishing boat), Gao Shan Liu Shui (High mountains flowing water) and Han Gong Qiu Yue (Han palace autumn moon). Nowadays,many popular elments together with guzheng bring us a fantastic Feeling.Let’s enjoy a piece of music together